Thursday, May 10, 2007

Huge patin

Keith and i went fishing somewhere in april. It was a sunday. We decided to go back Kolam Halim (Subang Jaya pay pond) to see if we can catch anything after our few sour attemp to catch last year.

So that night we went was after a heavy down pour during afternoon. We arrive the site around 9pm and started our fishing by using bottom fishing. After 20 minutes there is no activity or so ever. So i decide to put one more rod secrectly without the owner's knowlegde using float. few minutes later still no sign of fish eating our bait. Keith say why dun we do to the high grown near the TNB power house. And so we went.

since we change our location. we could see many fish taking air at different spot. I decide to cast the float first onto those stop where many fish jumps and left it there while i prepare the other rod. There is huge problem using float that time cause we couldnt see the float in the dark because we fail to get the glow in the dark stick. hehehe.. and best part was the float i use was home made. I use medicine bottle, those white square bottle. This method has been use ever since when i still schooling. i still remember the first time i use medicine bottle float was in form 3. there is alot of advantage in this float. hehehe.. i'm not going to share.. ok ok.. i know is no good to keep all by myself.

advantage of medicine bottom float:

1) u can control the weight of the float by filling more water inside if u wan heavy further casting distance and vice versa.

2) when wind blow, ready make float will blown away faster than medicine bottom thus keep to the spot u wan longer than foam float.

3) it looks more natural cause fish may think it is normal rubbish floating in the pond. (crapping and could be true)

See i'm so kind to let u guy know about the advantages.

back to the fishing story. So i couldnt see my float in the dark. My solution to the line tight. and to my surprise when i put my line tight, the fish already taken my bait and start running. POW!! i hit the fish.. the fish gives me a big tug. after few minutes i landed the fish. See the size of that fish.. is huge!!!

actually i seen bigger side than this. but this is my first time i landed a patin this size.

First fish landed and it is huge man for patin.

look at the size. Is two and half times the ribena bottle.
So after this fish i caught another slightly smaller one. but is still big. i didnt manage to take a picture of the smaller one.
Oh.. the smaller one survive the ordeal in small tank. The big one died. Since the small one survive, i release it into Szetoo Yan Ming's house pond. Is still there till today. hehehe..
i think he will in a pan soon. poor fish.
till next post.


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