Subang Jaya Lake
Lately, i have been fishing in Subang Jaya Lake behind SJMC or know as Jogging pond. It's time for breeding. All the big Peacock Bass about a kilo making nest near the shallow water. This is because, shallow water is easier to guard instead of deep water.This fishes is caught using Fly Fishing with bait called clauser. Catching peacock bass with fly fishing is almost a 200% better than using bait or lure. The secret is lie behind the action that a fly move under water. The feather or fur that is use has very delicate touch in the water. It really move like a real fish. That's why fly is every effective. Beside, Peacock bass like fast moving fish. They don't like slow or dead fish. They prefer live catch.
Above, peacock bass weigthing around a kilo. This fish put a good fight. I let this fish go cause i practise catch and release.

Above, Peacock bass With very distinctive pattern and color. This fish can fetch a fairly good price in the market. Putting this fish in aquarium is very pretty. Guess what this fish is also release back into the pond.
*Practise "catch and release" to ensure future generation of fishes*